Sumida River Fireworks at TOKYO SKYTREE (R)


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  • Tokyo Skytree’s special opening hours for the Sumida River Fireworks

    27 July 2024


    One of the most popular fireworks in Tokyo will be back for the summer of 2024.

    But where to watch?

    Tokyo Skytree is a great viewing spot for the Sumida River Fireworks, as places down below, close to the Sumida River, are usually packed with crowds for the event.

    (Photo: Views from Tokyo Skytree’s press area at last summer’s event)

    Tokyo Skytree’s special opening for the Sumida River Fireworks

    On 27 July, 2024, weather permitting, the fireworks will be launched alternately from two venues along the Sumida River from 7 p.m.

    For a look at the entire show from above, Tokyo Skytree’s observation deck will be reserved, with special opening hours dedicated to the event from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

    In order to obtain access, apply for a lottery during the application period from 10 to 30 June 2024.

    Last year’s lottery odds were high, a winner per every 159 applicants!

    You may be one of the 634 lucky persons, to take in the verry special view if the weather allows.

    (*There are also tour and hotel packages sold by tour operators for extra places other than the Internet application).

    Sumida River Fireworks at Tokyo Skytree|amuzen

    Sumida River Fireworks at Tokyo Skytree|amuzen

* The above is the information known at the time of publication and subject to change without prior notice.

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