Edogawa Fireworks Festival 2018


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  • Exciting Hanabi 2018
    43rd Edogawa Fireworks Festival

    4 August 2018
    *To be postponed to 5 August in case of stormy weather
    *To be cancelled if neither day is possible
    Bank of the Edo-gawa (Edo River)

    The Edogawa Fireworks Festival is one of the most popular summer hanabi taikai (fireworks festivals) held in Japan.

    It is utterly spectacular to see large fireworks fired into the sky from a close distance on the bank of the Edo-gawa (Edo River).

    Photo courtesy: City of Edogawa, Tokyo

    Photo courtesy: City of Edogawa, Tokyo

* The above is the information known at the time of publication and subject to change without prior notice.

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